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Hello community, ladies and gentlemen!

This is Piraeus, Greece calling!

After many, many, MANY years of being involved in the game of betting on the player's side (the PRO-PO years for my Greeks), I've now started looking for it a bit on the tipster side as well. My experience on this other side is zero. I had and do not have any previous professional experience with the betting world.

All my experience comes from the time I invest in two areas:

  • the study of the games
  • and the full recording of my final forecast statistics.

The form of the teams, their image in the matches at home and respectively at away matches, their news, statements of coaches before the matches, the history of the previous matches between them, their absences, their goal behavior, defensive and offensive approach, etc. I invest a lot of time in all of this stuff.

I derive my information both from some Greek sites that deal with betting, mainly for leagues tables and statistical imaging, but I also derive from 2-3 sites in each national language, which are tested for a long time, with reports in the language of each match that interests me. "Well done" machine translation services, I don't know all the languages of the world, you know. :)

Beyond that, I keep an up-to-date complete picture of my predictions, both by League and by week, month and year. Even total of the last many years. In this way, I also observe my personal tendency, so at times, I give a basis to picks from Leagues that I find myself in personal good betting form.

 Unfortunately - there is lots of time for all that. I suddenly found myself without basic professional employment and it's the first time I've really thought: "wait! In all the years that have passed with daily work, you always try to steal as much time as it takes to study the games every day. That's what you do."

So, this thought brought me here today, in the capacity of the tipster. Let's finally try for once, maybe what I really love to do is the solution and it works for all of us. Good luck to me, which of course follows your success. If you win through successful predictions here, that will be my success too I guess. :)

And just because I know nothing of how these things are getting done individually online (I don't even have social media, I'm a Totally Old School Guy), after considerable research, I ended up here for this beginning. I wish we can make it work, friends.

And a few words about the strategy, the way of the game I follow and see that - let's say - it pays off. And I write "let's say" because I don't even want to write long and thick words about betting, there is no recipe for success, well-known and well-known.

But some basic directions are as follows:

1. We erase from our memory what happened in betting until yesterday. We have a new Road Marathon ahead of us. Such a "race" is the bet, it is not 100 m. You won't make any big money in a single day from this. It concerns us in the long term: in the horizon of month, quarter, semester, year.

2. We make sure to have a relatively good "Account Balance" so that we can play with a relative comfort. I will not say amount, as everyone defines the comfortable game. For someone it can be 4 euros*, for another player 40.

* I also define the default tip stake at 4 units, here, in tipsrr.

3. This amount must be such that it can withstand even the worst case scenario. What is this? Assume 20-run failed predictions? Is it extreme? Maybe. However, this is the strategy. So that's the run I've defined as the worst possible scenario: The 20 consecutive failed predictions.

So my bet is just that. 1/20 of my "Account Balance". And this is fixed on my bets. I don't go up, I don't go down. Exactly, so I don't get carried away and play emotionally.

To have discipline.

This is very VERY basic: The fixed amount of betting. Or rather, the fixed betting rate.

In this way of playing, the outcome of the previous bet raises or reduces the next bet's amount. You play every time, 1/20 of your cashier. The betting amount goes up after a win and down after a loss.


Fund: 100 units.

Bet: 5 units (1/20)

Yield: 3.50.

In a bet victory, the fund rises to 112.50 units. Next bet will be 1/20 of these units.

In a bet defeat, the fund stays at 95 units. Next bet 1/20 of 95. So let's keep going...

4. We are betting on a single match. The upper two, which is already a big risk.

Book rub their hands with satisfaction, as long as we chase the impossible, winning at the same time 3-4-5-6 picks in a generous paroli. This happens, how often, 1-2 times a year? Five?

We don't chase 1-2 wins a year here. But let us win all year round against the book.

5. And we choose realistic picks. We play to win.

Fun bet has a totally different logic, there you can pick whatever crazy you think, it rarely might win. But it's just a fun bet. A player must distinguish fun bets, from serious game. In the second you choose reasonable picks. The ones you really consider as possible. Not the ones that "oh, how perfect would it be to have 8 corners in the first half and the left back scores as well" :)

6. For me, anything that accumulates a total 3.50+ yield, is enough for a bet. I might get it from a single pick, I might get something else small from another match in close time for a pair. That's it. And in fact, this is the reason why I referred to a second pick and did not insist for single picks. With two "reasonable" bets, the goal of a 3.50 minimum yield is more easily achievable and I don't just "chase" it through a pulled pick.

Huge paroles are the joy of the book. We played them once, but we have overcome them, they were childhood diseases.

So, these are all from me. I hope I have given a mark of my presence. Let's get into practice and good luck to all.

I just hope not to start with 20 straight wrong predictions, we don't want "Murphy's Law" here, thank you. :CROSSFINGERS:

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